Single contact number (+998) 71 2000036; Helpline (+998) 71 2335623

Laboratory "Seismodynamics of underground structures, foundations and bases"

Main directions of the laboratory: Conducting periodic assessments of technical condition of buildings and structures (life support systems, etc.), generalization and analysis of damage in relation to types and sizes of structures.

Assessment of damage and specific accident rate of buildings and structures depending on soil conditions, embedding, material, intensity of the earthquake impact.

Development of methods to ensure seismic protection of buildings and structures.

Development of new algorithms and software system to study the stress-strain state and stability of structures interacting with surrounding medium.

Proposal of recommendations to ensure seismic stability of structures to supplement the clauses of regulatory documents on seismic resistant construction of underground structures.



Head of laboratory

Nishonov Neʼmatilla Аsatillaevich
Doctor of philosophy in technical sciences (PhD), Senior Research Fellow

(71)262 78 34





Full name Scientific degree, scientific title Position Сontact E-mail
1 Mardonov Botir Mardonovich Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Chief Researcher +99871-262-78-34
2 Xojmetov Gʼoibnazar Xadievich Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Chief Researcher +99871-262-78-34
3 Mirzaev Ibrаkhim Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Chief Researcher +99871-262-78-34
4 Bekmirzaev Diyorbek Аbdugapporovich Doctor of Technical Sciences (DSc) Leading researcher +99871-262-78-34
5 Аn Yekaterina Vladimirovna Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics (PhD) Senior Research +99871-262-78-34
6 Ayubov Gayrat Tuxtasinovich Doctor of philosophy in technical sciences (PhD) Senior Research +99871-262-78-34
7 Xusainov Raxmatjon Baxrombaevich Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics (PhD) Senior Research +99871-262-78-34
8 Qosimov Elbek Аlisherovich   Basic doctoral student +99871-262-78-34
9 Berdibaev Mars Janabayevich   Junior Researcher +99871-262-78-34
10 Xurramov Аsror Chorievich   Basic doctoral student +99871-262-78-34
11 Kishanov Ruslan Urazgaliyevich   Basic doctoral student +99871-262-78-34
12 Botaboyev Nursultan Isatay o’g’li   Basic doctoral student +99871-262-78-34
13 Mansurova Iqbolxon Abduraximovna   Laboratory assistant +99871-262-78-34
