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A list if the members of scientific seminar at scientific council awarding the scientific degrees

Scientific Seminar at Scientific Council DSc.28.02.2018.T/FM.61.01 awarding the scientific degrees at the Institute of Mechanics and Seismic Stability of Structures and Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers


Full name Year of birth Specialty code Affiliation, position, scientific degree, scientific title
1 Abirov Rustam Ablullaevich (the chairman) 1968 01.02.04 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, head of laboratory, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, senior researcher.
2 Xusanov Baxtiyar Ergashbaevich (deputy chairman) 1965 01.02.04 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, head of laboratory, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, dotsent.
3 Nishonov Ne’matilla Asatillaevich (academic secretary) 1981 05.09.02 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, head of laboratory, doctor of philosophy in technical sciences(PhD), senior researcher.
4 Mirsaidov Mirziyod 1948 01.02.04 Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers MTU, head of the department, doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician.
5 Sultanov Karim 1949 01.02.04 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, direktor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor.
6 Usarov Maxamatali Koraboevich 1960 01.02.04 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, head of laboratory, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, senior researcher.
7 Abdusattarov Abdusamat 1946 01.02.04 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, leading researcher, doctor of technical sciences, professor.
8 Sultanov Taxirjon Zakirovich 1975 01.02.04 Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers MTU, vice-rector for research, doctor of technical sciences, associate professor
9 Xojmetov Goibnazar Xadievich 1937 01.02.04 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, department of professors, doctor of technical sciences, professor.
10 Mavlonov To‘lqin 1947 01.02.04 Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers MTU, department of professors, doctor of technical sciences, professor.
11 Sagdiev Xamidulla 1951 01.02.04 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, senior researcher, candidate of technical sciences.
12 Ismayilov Kubaymurat 1950 01.02.04 Samarkand State Institute of architecture and civil engineering, department of patents, doctor of technical sciences.
13 Xudayarov Baxtiyor Alimovich 1966 01.02.04 Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers MTU, vice-rector for academic affairs, doctor of technical sciences.
14 Xudoynazarov Xayrulla 1950 01.02.04 Samarkand State University, head of department , doctor of technical sciences, professor.
15 Mirzaev Ibraxim 1950 01.02.04 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, leading researcher, doctor of physics - for mathematical purposes doctor of sciences, professor.
16 Axmedov Akrom Burxanovich 1956 01.02.04 National university of Uzbekistan, head of the department, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor.
17 Indiaminov Ravshan Shukurovich 1965 01.02.04 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, leading researcher, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, dotsent.
18 Abdikarimov Rustamxan Alimxanovich 1960 01.02.04 Tashkent city institute of architecture and civil engineering , professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor.
19 Salyamova Klara Djabbarovna 1951 01.02.04 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, leading researcher, doctor of technical sciences, professor.
20 Rojkova Yelena Vladimirovna 1966 01.02.04 Tashkent state transport university, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior researcher
21 Ergashov Muhamadrasul 1955 01.02.04 Tashkent institute of textile and light industry doctor of technical sciences, professor.
22 Raxmanov Usarkul 1953 01.02.04 Tashkent State University of transport, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor.
23 Yuldashev Sharafitdin Sayfitdinovich 1953 01.02.04 Namangan civil engineering institute, professor of the department, doctor of technical sciences, professor
24 Teshaboev Zaxidjon Raxmatovich 1950 01.02.04 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, senior researcher, candidate of technical sciences.
25 Ismoilova Sabida Israilovna 1973 01.02.04 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, scientific secretary of the institute, doctor of technical sciences.
26 Mardonov Batirjan 1942 01.02.04 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, leading researcher, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor.
27 Axmedov Mashrab Abdukadirovich 1938 01.02.04 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, leading researcher, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, professor.
28 Umarxonov Sa’dillaxon Ismatullaevich 1975 01.02.04 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, senior researcher, candidate of technical sciences.
29 Xusainov Raxmatjon Baxrambaevich 1989 01.02.04 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, senior researcher, senior researcher, Ph.d. In physics and mathematics.
30 Yuvmitov Anvar Sayfullaevich 1984 05.09.01 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, head of laboratory, doctor of philosophy in technical sciences (PhD), senior researcher.



Full name Year of birth Specialty code Place of work, position, academic degree, academic title
1 Malikov Zafar Mamatqulovichi (Chairman) 1962 01.02.05 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, head of laboratory, doctor of technical sciences, senior researcher.
2 Xujaev Ismatulla Kushaevich (Deputy Chairman) 1951 01.02.05 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, leading researcher, doctor of technical sciences, senior researcher.
3 Mirzoev Akmal Ahadovich (academic secretary) 1969 01.02.05 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, Leading Researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences.
4 Xo‘jayorov Baxtiyor Xo‘jayorovich 1951 01.02.05 Samarkand State University, head of the department, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor
5 Xudaykulov Savet Ishankulovich 1949 01.02.05 Scientific research institute of irrigation and water problems at the Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers, leading researcher, doctor of technical sciences, professor
6 Arifjanov Oybek Muxamedjanovich 1958 01.02.05 Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Head of the Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
7 Abduraximov Baxtiyor Fayzievich 1980 01.02.05 Professor of the Department of the National University of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
8 Navruzov Kuralbay 1946 01.02.05 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, leading researcher, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor.
9 Abduraximov Baxtiyor Fayzievich 1950 01.02.05 Professor of the Department of the National University of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
10 Ravshanov Normaxmat 1955 01.02.05 Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Professor of the Department, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.
11 Burnashev Vladimir Fidratovich 1950 01.02.05 Associate professor of the department of Samarkand State University, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, senior researcher
12 Maxmudov Jamol Maxmud o‘g‘li 1979 01.02.05 Associate professor of the department of Samarkand State University, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor.
13 Bozorov Dilshod Raimovich 1958 01.02.05 Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Professor of the Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
14 Dalabaev Umurdin 1947 01.02.05 University of world economy and diplomacy, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor
15 Qayumov Shukur 1945 01.02.05 Tashkent State Technical University, Department of Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor.
16 Zakirov Askar Xalilovich 1956 01.02.05 National University of Uzbekistan, Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor.
17 Galiaskarov Viktor Anvarovich 1950 01.02.05 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
18 Matkarimov San’at Yusubovich 1969 01.02.05 Retraining of teachers and their network of the Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction, Director of the Center, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, docent.
19 Yaxshibaev Doniyor Sultanbaev 1983 01.02.05 Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), docent.
20 Nazirova Elmira Shodmonovna 1982 01.02.05 Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Head of the Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc), Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent.
21 Annakulova Gulsara Kuchkarovna 1958 01.02.05 Institute of mechanics and seismic stability of structures, leading researcher, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, senior researcher.
22 Fayziev Rabim Alikulovich 1957 01.02.05 Ташкентский государственный Эконом университет профессор, физико-математический науки кандидат профессор.
23 Nishonov Fayzullo Xolmirzaevich 1988 01.02.05 Namangan Institute of Civil Engineering, Head of the Department, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
25 Nazarov Farrux Xoliyorvich 1988 01.02.05 Tashkent State Technical University, Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics (PhD).
26 Madaliev Mirodil Erkin ugli 1991 01.02.05 Assistant of the Ferghana Polytechnic Institute of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
