Single contact number (+998) 71 2000036; Helpline (+998) 71 2335623

Laboratory "Modeling and pasports of buildings and structures"

Main directions of the laboratory: The study and determination of the behavior characteristics of structural materials under simple and complex loading, the establishment of patterns of their deformation, the development of the theory of elastoplastic processes of deformable media and the theory of elastoplastic fracture.


Head of laboratory

Abirov Rustam Abdullayevich
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher
(97)262 71 32






Full name Scientific degree, scientific title Position Сontact E-mail
1 Аdilov Farxodjon Foziljonovich   Senior Researcher +99871-262-71-32
2 Turdibekov Javlonbek Eshmurod oʼgʼli   Junior researcher +99871-262-71-32
3 Rogachova Anastasiya Vasilevna   laboratory assistant +99871-262-71-32
4 Adilova Sitora Baxodirovna   laboratory assistant +99871-262-71-32
