On May 27, 2022, a scientific conference was held at the Institute of Materials of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Parkent district on the topic “XXI century - the century of intellectual youth”. Our young scientists of the institute made a report at this conference: Rakhimova Z.A., Riksieva B.B., Khazratova T.Ya. Khaidarova O.M., Usanov F.A., Khurramov A.Ch., Kurbanbaev M.Sh., Begmanov R.A. Congratulations to the junior researcher of the laboratory "Theory of mechanisms and machines" Rakhimova Zarnigor with the second place. We wish you success! Basic doctoral student T.Ya. Khazratova and junior researcher R.A. Begmanov also took an active part and were awarded diplomas.